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Grant H. Garcia, MD

Grant H. Garcia, MD Orthopedic Surgeon & Sports Medicine Specialist View Profile

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Grant H. Garcia, MD

Grant H. Garcia, MD Orthopedic Surgeon & Sports Medicine Specialist View Doctor Profile

MISHA Knee Implant System

MISHA Knee System Walking Animation

The MISHA Knee Implant: Revolutionizing Knee Surgery


As the field of orthopedic surgery continues to evolve, novel technologies emerge that provide both surgeons and patients with better options to address common problems. One such innovation is the MISHA knee system, a revolutionary shock absorber implant that offers several benefits over traditional techniques. This article dives into the key aspects of the MISHA knee system, including its advantages, indications, surgical procedure, and how it compares to another standard procedure - the high tibial osteotomy.


The MISHA (Minimally Invasive Subchondral Hemi-Arthroplasty) Knee Implant represents a significant leap forward in knee replacement technology. Designed to address specific knee joint conditions, this implant offers patients a minimally invasive option with superior outcomes compared to traditional procedures.

Benefits of the MISHA Knee Implant:

  1. 1. Minimally Invasive Surgery: The MISHA Knee Implant is inserted through a smaller incision, resulting in less tissue trauma, reduced scarring, and a quicker recovery.
  2. 2. Preservation of Healthy Tissue: Unlike total knee replacement, which involves the removal of the entire joint, the MISHA Implant preserves healthy tissue, particularly in younger patients.
  3. 3. Improved Range of Motion: The MISHA Implant is designed to maintain natural knee kinematics, allowing patients to enjoy a broader range of motion.
  4. 4. Less Pain and Faster Recovery: Minimally invasive surgery leads to reduced post-operative pain and a faster return to daily activities.

Indications for the MISHA Knee System

The MISHA knee system isn't suitable for every patient. Indications for considering this implant include:

  • Medial compartment osteoarthritis
  • Patients with persistent pain despite conservative management
  • Those looking for a joint-preserving alternative to total knee replacement
  • Individuals not suitable for high tibial osteotomy due to various reasons

Reasoning for the Surgery

The knee is a complex joint, and over time, due to factors like aging, trauma, or repetitive use, one can develop conditions like osteoarthritis. This can lead to pain, stiffness, and reduced function. When conservative measures like physical therapy, medications, or injections fail, surgical intervention becomes necessary. The MISHA system provides an innovative solution that not only tackles the symptoms but also addresses the biomechanical issues causing them.

Surgical Technique

The MISHA knee system is implanted through a minimally invasive technique. Here's a simplified breakdown of the procedure:

  1. 1. Incision: A small incision is made on the inner aspect of the knee.
  2. 2. Space Creation: Using specialized tools, the implant location is marked, and the shock absorber is placed on the inside of the knee. From this more space is created between the femur (thigh bone) and the tibia (shin bone) where the implant will be placed.
  3. 3. Implant Placement: The MISHA shock absorber is then inserted into this space, ensuring proper alignment and fit.
  4. 4. Closure: The incision is sutured closed, and the procedure is complete.

Difference Between MISHA Knee Implant and High Tibial Osteotomy (HTO):

**While both the MISHA Knee Implant and HTO aim to address knee joint issues, they differ in several keyways:

  1. 1. Surgical Approach:

    • MISHA Knee Implant: Involves the implantation of a prosthetic component to replace the damaged part of the joint.
    • HTO: Involves the realignment of the bones by cutting and repositioning the tibia to redistribute weight and relieve pressure on the affected area.
  2. 2. Tissue Preservation:

    • MISHA Knee Implant: Preserves healthy tissue and maintains natural knee kinematics.
    • HTO: Involves bone cuts and realignment, which may lead to potential complications.
  3. 3. Recovery Time:

    • MISHA Knee Implant: Offers a faster recovery due to the minimally invasive approach.
    • HTO: May require a longer recovery period due to the more extensive bone work.
  4. 4. Age Consideration:

    • MISHA Knee Implant: Suitable for a wide age range, including younger patients.
    • HTO: Typically recommended for younger patients with specific deformities.

Data and Recovery:

Studies have shown that the MISHA Knee Implant provides excellent outcomes in terms of pain relief, functionality, and patient satisfaction. Patients can expect a shorter surgery and a quicker return to daily activities compared to traditional knee replacement surgery.

Recovery Timeline:

  • Week 1-2: Physical therapy starts immediately after surgery to promote joint mobility and muscle strength.
  • Week 3-6: Gradual return to light activities and continued physical therapy.
  • Week 8-12: Most patients can resume normal daily activities and enjoy improved knee function.


It's essential to follow the post-operative care plan provided by your surgeon to ensure the best results. Mid-term outcomes demonstrate the durability and success of the MISHA Knee Implant, providing patients with a better quality of life and a more active lifestyle.


The MISHA Knee Implant is a revolutionary advancement in knee surgery, offering a minimally invasive option for patients with localized knee arthritis. By preserving healthy tissue and ensuring a faster recovery, it represents a promising solution for those seeking pain relief and an improved quality of life. If you believe you may be a candidate for the MISHA Knee Implant, consult with an orthopedic specialist to discuss your options and embark on your journey toward a more comfortable and active future.